Archive | June, 2015

The Wheels on the Bus

14 Jun

It was my first day in New Jersey and I got off at the wrong bus stop. I stood there with no clue of where I was, thanking my lucky stars that it wasn’t my first day of work. This is why you do test runs.

If you’re someone like me who relies on public transportation, you learn to expect the unexpected.

I moved to New Jersey with no intention of using a car. Besides the fact that I’ve never liked driving, I figured I could save money that I’d otherwise be spending on gas, parking, insurance, and maintenance. Instead, I pay a monthly fee for a bus pass that gets me through two counties of NJ.

It certainly hasn’t been easy, but I do have some experience.

I also didn’t take a car with me to college, which had its pros and cons. Most places I was able to utilize the buses easily, but at times I found myself needing to get to a destination that was either a lengthy trip, or didn’t have a nearby stop. Let’s just say that the regular bus loops to Lennox Shopping Center in Columbus meant Target was my best friend.

Public transportation is basically non-existent in my hometown; not having a car isn’t even an option. Not only is there a lack of bus service, but nothing is within walking distance. I was in Heaven at OSU when I could walk to one of the many restaurants on High Street in only five minutes.

So while I’m grateful that I’m able to take the bus to and from work, I’m not thrilled about the hour-long commute, especially in the evening. On a good day I’m home around 7:10, which means I’m pretty much shoving dinner down my throat to curb my animal-like appetite, showering, and going to bed a few hours after getting back. Then I get to wake up at the crack of dawn the next day and do it all over again.

I can happily report, however, that the frequent riders of the New Jersey transit system don’t terrify me the way the people of Columbus did. If you’ve ever ridden the COTA in Columbus, you know what I’m talking about.

I also had no idea that getting around via bus on the weekend would become such a hassle. I try to walk wherever possible because apparently NJ transit thinks it’s totally okay to run buses only once an hour. The two trips I’ve taken to Walmart have become an all-day affair, just because I’m forced to spend a ridiculous amount of time waiting for the bus there and back. And if you miss the return bus…guess who gets to sit another 40 minutes for the next one? Needless to say, I try to make those trips few and far between.

Although most aspects of public transportation here have been frustrating to say the least, there is one obvious perk: it’s only a 10 minute bus ride to Manhattan. I can spend the day in the city and be back for dinner.

I still can’t believe it.