Archive | December, 2012

Twelve Things I Learned in 2012

16 Dec

1) I live in swing state hell. I must have tuned out all of the propaganda in the past because this fall it seemed that Ohio, especially Columbus, was subjected to a nauseating number of political tv ads and what seemed like campaign visits every other day. It was so bad that The Daily Show mocked the ridiculous political nonsense in our state during campaign season. Well, at least we get a four-year break from it all.

2) Textbooks don’t have to drain your bank account. I never understood why people buy textbooks (often new) just to sell them to someone else at the end of the semester. I used to rent mine, but found out that it’s much more cost effective to buy them from Amazon and sell them back for almost a full refund. It’s like recycling money.

3) Ohio State Football is like a cult. I mean this in the nicest way possible. As a freshman, I had almost zero interest in the sport and now I’m just as addicted as everyone else. I finally understand why everyone is so excited about getting decked out in scarlet and grey on Saturdays; they’ve brainwashed me and I couldn’t be happier.

4) 140 characters is a challenge. I opened my first Twitter account as a sophomore in high school and updated it only on holidays. After opening a new account again this spring, I quickly became hooked. I did, however, forget just how annoying it can be to condense that perfect tweet to make it fit until it doesn’t even make sense anymore.

5) Target is a college student’s best friend. The nearest Target from my hometown is 30 minutes away, so having one in such close proximity at Ohio State is a dream. Not only does it literally have everything you might need for your dorm, but it’s great for dorks like me who like to spend the occasional Friday night at the store with friends.

6) I should have been watching The Big Bang Theory nearly 14 billion years ago.  How did I not know about this show sooner? I came across re-runs of the series on TV in the summer and jumped on the bandwagon. Needless to say I am now obsessed with this group of lovable nerds.

7) Semesters suck…for now. Fifteen weeks of classes was just plain brutal. I think most students were ready for the end by week 9 and found the last month to be a massive struggle. While the cons seem to outweigh the pros at this point, we still survived and can pray that in the end it will all be worth it.

8) New York City is spectacular. I know that this is coming from your typical tourist, but after getting to visit the Big Apple twice this year I finally understand what all of the hype is about. Sadly I missed out on the opportunity to stalk celebrities, but I’ll get over it.

9) Girls shed a disgusting amount of hair. As a female who fits this category, I’m allowed to say it. Living in a residence hall suite with five other girls means enough loose hair on the floor to start making wigs. It’s pretty disturbing actually; you have no idea.

10) I would never survive the Hunger Games or a zombie apocalypse. If reading the Hunger Games or watching The Walking Dead this year has taught me anything, it’s that I am no Katniss Everdeen or Rick Grimes. I’d never make it past the first day of either of these grueling tasks because I’d be busy crying in the fetal position until I was eaten/eliminated.

11) Sometimes people can surprise you. With all of the tragedies that have occurred this year, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that people suck. But after reading online about “26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity,” I was reminded that there can be times where people’s random acts of kindness can go a long way.

12) There’s no place like home. I may be living in a building that looks like a hotel and have some truly nice suitemates  in Columbus, but I’m always ecstatic to go back home. Living three hours away means I’m only able  to return home on breaks, so I always appreciate the time I get to spend with my family.